Architecture And Interior Design

We all like our own space; somewhere we can sit and relax after a hard day at the office or looking after the kids. So if you are looking for architecture and interior design ideas, why not go about creating a sense of calm and peace by introducing some simple Feng Shui into your home and life?

What Is Feng Shui?

Basically Feng Shui is a concept that can be used for architecture and interior design and it means having a better understanding of how to use space and use it to bring about a feeling of calm.

This is done by getting the correct balance. In interior design this could be the placing of furniture and items in the room and it can be as simple or as complex as you want. When you put items in the room in certain locations you can change the energy flow of the room. So here are some simple ideas to make your home calmer.

Introduce Water into Your Home

One of the main principles of Feng Shui focuses on water used in the home and by this we don't mean you have to leave your taps running. One of the easiest ways of bringing water into the home through interior design is with an interior desktop fountain. The flowing water is said to help in regards to the energy flow and its soft tinkling is relaxing to listen to.

Let Plenty of Natural Light and Air into the Home

Allowing plenty of natural light and air to flow around the building and rooms is a great way of ensuring that energy in the rooms doesn't go stale. Therefore during the interior design process you should take windows into account.

Don't put heavy curtains up to them, instead why not consider blinds that can be pulled up or opened during the day and closed at night. Other options include having light weight curtains or netting up to the windows, which again should remain open as much as possible. Sheer voile panels are also a great option. It goes without saying that windows should be left open whenever possible to allow fresh air to circulate the room.

Get Rid Of the Clutter in Your Home

You can't expect a home or room to be peaceful if there is lots of clutter in it. By leaving clutter around the home you are going to restrict the energy from flowing correctly. When this happens you may find that you cannot concentrate. If you want peace and calm declutter as much as possible.