Art Interior Design

Interior design art is a matter of personal preference. This does not mean that you should simply find something that you like and put it in your house, but that you should let the art that you will be putting into your home represent you and your feelings. It should express you and your mind and feelings. You want to find the true expressions that you want from the art that you will purchase in order to create the sense and set the tone for the room you will be decorating.

What Is Interior Art

Interior design art can come in a variety of packages. It does not necessarily have to be a framed painting. There are of course the countless options that you can consider to be art. The first of which is of course paintings. Then there are photographs of almost anything form city scenes to landscapes. You could also go into the realm of statues or pottery. There are endless possibilities when it comes to the art in your home. It could be memorabilia from movies or trips. It could be a carving that you have around a mirror or the way that you put things up on your walls or on tables. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you have the eye that will decide what is art and what is trash. It is your home and you get to determine what if any items you will bring into your home to help accentuate your personality and your feelings.

Where To Go

As far as where to fond the art hat you will use to decorate and fill your home. There are possibilities that are beyond belief. You could go to an actual store that sells art if that is what you are truly looking for. There are of course the discount and thrift shops where you can look at what other people have cast off and be able to find the thing that will bring what you are looking for into your home. Garage sales and flea markets are another wonderful source that should be considered as they will be able to provide a wide range and variety of items that you will want to look at and consider when you are thinking of what you want to use and display in your home. Remember this is all about you and what you want to represent through your art.